Photo of Brigitte et les animaux for fans of Brigitte Bardot 39404820 La Fondation Brigitte Bardot (FBB), (The Brigitte Bardot Foundation) is a French foundation dedicated to animal protection created by French actress Brigitte Bardot in 1986. Brigitte Bardot Fans.

No political talk please. Das hat mittlerweile aber zwielichtigere Gründe. History. “Le Pape François n’a rien fait et ne fait rien pour améliorer la condition des animaux.” Brigitte Bardot legte eine einmalige Karriere hin – und ist auch heute noch weltbekannt.

22K likes. Brigitte Bardot has long fascinated and has been the subject of documentaries such as Brigitte amoureuse (Brigitte in love) and Brigitte Bardot, le serment fait aux animaux (Brigitte Bardot, the oath to animals).The first, from 2016, looks back at the icon's loves. Since 1992, the foundation has been recognized as a "public utility" (French: Déclaration d'utilité publique. 17 févr. 2015 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Christine Minassian. For those who admire Brigitte Bardot, be it for her career, her struggle to protect animals, her beauty or her style. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. A selection of the most beautiful pictures Brigitte Bardot, an absolute icon.