There are three ways to spawn an item. Pour fabriquer vos croquettes, vous devez utiliser une marmite. If you purchase a selection of meat with a lot of fat content to trim, it could even take up to seven pounds of meat to make only one pound of lean jerky. This can be done with Cooked Meat as well to produce Cooked Meat Jerky. Dans ARK: Survival Evolved Vous avez la possibilité de cuisiner différentes recettes à l'aide d'une Marmite ou d'une Cuisinière industrielle. Chaque créature à sa recette favorite, mais les autres peuvent également être utilisées bien que les résultats soient moins bons que si vous leurs donnez leur nourriture favorite. This will overwrite/save new all Kibble recipes (alle Kibble Rezepte werden überschrieben/neu gespeichert). You can use the Item ID, the Blueprint path, or the GFI, which is the part of the Blueprint path that contains the Item's name. Egg, mejoberries, fiber, cooked meat jerky, and Citronal. Cooked Meat Official Ark Survival Evolved Wiki. Raw Meat - Raw Prime Meat = 250 10kg Raw Fish Meat - Raw Prime Fish Meat = 250 10kg (update v1.0.1) Cooked Meat - Cooked Prime Meat = 500 10kg Cooked Fish Meat - Cooked Prime Fish Meat = 500 10kg (update v1.0.1) Cooked Meat Jerky - Cooked Prime Meat Jerky = 500 10kg Spoiled Meat = 10000 100kg Berries = 10000 100kg Vegetables = 500 10kg The Ark item ID and spawn command for Cooked Meat Jerky, along with its GFI code, blueprint path, and example commands. Resources Map – Scorched Earth. Try different cuts. Prime Meat Jerky can be produced by placing Cooked Prime Meat, Sparkpowder, and Oil in the Preserving Bin. After some time the meat will turn into jerky one piece at a time expending 1 Oil and 3 Sparkpowder. Other information includes its blueprint, class name (PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_C) and quick information for you to use.

Easy Mongolian Beef Dinner Then Dessert. 85 Of Our Best Slow Cooker Beef Recipes Taste Home. It worked a few times the first few pieces, but now Sparkpowder, oil, and cooked prime meat sit in there for days, and … Y Meaty … It wouldn't be so bad if the preserving bins actually worked. Different egg, crop, and meat or jerky produce different kibbles. Cooked Meat Jerky - Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki. Les croquettes sont des aliments utilisés pour apprivoiser les créatures de l'île de manière plus rapide et efficace. Cooked Meat Jerky Ankylo, Doedicurus, Equus, Pachy: 1 Kibble (Dimetrodon Egg) Dimetrodon Egg Citronal Cooked Meat Jerky Gallimimus: 5 Kibble (Dimorph Egg) Dimorph Egg Longrass Cooked Meat, Cooked Fish Meat, or Cooked Meat Jerky Megaloceros: 3 Kibble (Diplo Egg) Diplo Egg Savoroot Rare Flower Allosaurus: 5